Excellent service by the team Htoo, Lenny and Jesmond. I was in dire straits and was played out by the previous agency. I went on Saturday and found a potential transfer helper and confirmed her. Yesterday (Monday) afternoon, I got a call from Lenny and she informed me that my application has been approved! It was so fast! The previous agency took 2 weeks to get my application approved only for me to find out that the helper I confirmed went back on the agreement and insisted on 2 off days a month instead of the initial agreed 1. She even said she will only work for 14 months since she has already worked 10 mths with the previous employer! This I attribute to a very incapable agency. With Hyperlink, my experience was great. I chose the helper but the agency also took the protocol of checking with the helper if she would choose me as her employer. I think this agency works extremely fair and also with a lot of respect for the potential helpers in their care. So regardless how the partnership of the helper and I will work out, I would like to say that I highly recommend Hyperlink as they work with very good ethics and protects their helpers as well as the employers. I have been employing helpers for the last 15 years, I have never come across an agency such as Hyperlink who treat their helpers with much respect. All you need to do is observe the tone they use to communicate with the helpers and you will realise that everyone's treated as equals in this company. Thank you very much! -C GH TAN